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Last night, due to our stressful real estate experience, we decided to take another day and sleep in for a change.  But yeah, that didn’t happen really.  Naturally we woke up early and got breakfast downstairs.  Seriously going to miss having breakfast made for us every morning as we roll out of bed…  Granted I will be thankful for when I can bake again and have pumpkin themed meals for the Fall season.  (But fall doesn’t start until Saturday so we’re still good on time…)

Since we had an early morning we chose to go to an earlier church service than normal at 9:00A.M.  Little did we know it was the jazz service, which is nice but we are traditionalists and love the “high” service instead of one with a fast beat.  Next week we will probably go to the later service and try harder at sleeping in until later.


After the service we returned to the hotel to make a change of clothing.  We decided that we wanted to go back to Chatham Manor to see the inside but I had mentioned a picnic and the hubby wanted one too.  So I took those Gardein Chipotle Lime Chik’n tenders and warmed them in the microwave and stovetop.  I toss them in a tortilla each with salad.  Along with two granola bars and two peaches we were off to have lunch at Chatham Manor.  So we had lunch at Chatham Manor  (hehe, how many people can say that?)  We toured the manor which consisted of about five rooms downstairs and then talked to the NPS volunteers for about 30 minutes and watched a history video for 12 minutes.  Such a great time.


Next since we didn’t have the furry baby this time we went shopping to get some clothes for the hubby for work.  We traveled with just one medium suitcase and one small one full of clothes.  Let’s just say the hubby is getting a bit tired of having few clothes to choose from daily.  Plus the weather is fluctuating to fall weather already so warmer clothes are nice for him.  We also made a stop at a store called Wegmans.  It is a wonderful grocery store and I highly recommend it.  They have tons of vegan options (which are labeled just like Trader Joes’ on the store brand containers) and even have bulk items such as nutritional yeast and tvp!!


Shopping took a lot of work so we went back to the hotel where I cleaned up the place a bit and got to record some receipts with our Neat Receipts scanner thingy.  The hubby did what he does best which is order Thai Food from our local favorite Tarntip Thai restaurant.  It’s his all time favorite restaurant and now that we are living in the area we do frequent often and get vegan options.  He went off to get the takeout and I finished up the receipts.  Then we just lounged and took a night off from things again together in the hotel room.