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It snowed, rained, sleeted and then we got a day off work!  I’m still trying to remember the last time I got off from work or school; I believe it was back in college when campus closed for one day for students that lived off-campus.  The years preceding this closing, I had lived off campus and had to drive almost an hour to get to my early morning classes with not one cancellation.  Then once I moved on campus (Yeah, I did it backwards, first two years off and last two years on…) they cancelled but only for students that were off campus were excused.  *enter sad, sad music*

After yesterday though, I am no longer sadden by this tragic, tragic memory because work was called off!  Yes, some bosses actually do cancel work since they care about the safety of ones employees.  Hooray!  So, my husband and I were able to spend the entire glorious day-off together.  *enter happy, sparkling music*

The roads were icy and dangerous, so I did feel sorry for the people that had to drive to work yesterday; I hope you all made it okay to work and back home if you were one of them.  Unfortunately the bad news was that we were not able to get to the gym since we couldn’t drive there – and mostly because we didn’t want to leave the warm house.  Okay, so maybe it was more the second reason than the first one…but still, we did play the wii for a while.  We played tennis, yoga, Pilates, strength training and so on.

On another note, I was able to clean the house more for the Chinese New Years.  Additionally, I had time to crochet a dishcloth, which I’m so proud of that I don’t want to get dirty. That’s just the craziness my husband has to deal with daily.  ☺

Food for the Day:

Carrot Cake for Brekkie, yes please!

Brekkie: Leftover Carrot Cake Pancakes from the wonderfully talented Isa Chandra.  The night before, I was finishing up the organization of all our paperwork from the last year so that I can do our taxes.  So, I didn’t have time to cook anything else besides these delicious pancakes.   We had some leftovers which we ate happily.  Additionally we had a half of grapefruit each and a Deva Vegan Tiny multivitamin and mineral. (294 cals)

Snack:  We were full from breakfast so we couldn’t be bothered with anything for a snack – besides the coffee that we drank merrily.


Vegan Mac N Cheese

Lunch:  Seeing that it was a special day of relaxation, I went ahead and got the boxed vegan approved mac n cheese.  I sliced up two potatoes and threw them in the oven with some dried rosemary on half and Cajun seasoning on the other half for French fries!  Then I made the boxed mac n cheese for a yummy, gooey treat.  I added some nutritional yeast and also some vegan cheddar cheese to the mixture to make it extra tasty.  It was a hit among the two of us. Mmmmmm (487 cals)

Snack:  Lollipop.  We went to the store the other day and we found a lollipop with bubble gum in the middle.  It’s been ages since we had one (mainly since they are bad for the teeth seeing that it is composed of just sugar and more sugar) so we had to get some.  This was our snack.  Had a blood orange while making dinner.

Indian Delight gone Vegan

Dinner:  This was another special recipe that I had found online – thankfully!  It is called Split Pea Cilantro Dumplings in a Coconut Curry.  Thanks Lisa!  It was amazing!  I made it vegan so that we could eat it without feeling guilty.  I made a few different changes to fit what we had in the household but it was wonderful.  I made the entire dish and then added some wild rice instead of white.  Additionally, I subtracted the second can of light coconut milk to reduce calories and fat content.  If you like spicy things, it is highly suggested!  (254 cals)

Snack: Herbal Tea and some Joseph’s sugar free almond cookies that are 95 calories for four small cookies.  They are a bit of a strange texture and crunchy but you can get past that fast.  The ingredients: “Unbleached Wheat Flour, Maltitol, Natural Almond Slices, Canola Oil, Almond Flavor, Baking Soda, Baking Powder”.  Not really that happy that it contains Maltitol but this one bag will be good to eat. (260 cals)

Total Calories Eaten: 1,295
Good on all accounts of nutrition!!!
(Fats: 19%; Carbs 70.9%; Protein 9.8%)
Exercise: About an hour of Wii

Total Burned   1,557

Daily Calorie Differential: -1,232 (without wii exercise added in)