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Vegan flourless protein pancakes recipe

Protein, protein, protein, it’s really a good portion of what I take into consideration when making a meal at home nowadays.  Pre-pregnancy I did not take much care to know the exact amount of protein grams I take in daily however now I am building two vegan babies, I have to have three times the amount.  My OB/GYN states every gram of protein taken in, the twins will definitely steal from my body so it’s important to take in a great deal to make sure they grow properly.  Thankfully my doctor has no issues with me being vegan, I am very blessed with a great doctor.  So with this in mind, I now incorporate protein into all my older recipes.  Genki Husband loves pancakes, so to continue to spoil him but still get my protein for the day I have started to make these protein pancakes.  Perfect for a vegan pregnancy!

Vegan Protein Pregnancy Pancakes

Disclaimer:  Protein powder is not my favorite to be used in the kitchen but when I have to triple my protein content per day, it is a great option.  I’ve heard a lot of other multiple pregnant mommas-to-be use protein powders, especially when there is limited space in the stomach thanks to two growing babies.  Before taking any protein powder, I did research and found Vega Protein powder to be an excellent source of plant protein.  Additionally, I did check with my OB/GYN and he assured me it was safe as long as I wasn’t using it for 100% of my calories/protein.  So I had his blessing to use this brand, which I have for a few months now and couldn’t be more happy with it.

Flourless Vegan Protein Pancakes

Vegan Protein Pancakes

Serves 2

  1. 1 c traditional oats
  2. 1 large banana, peeled
  3. 1/2-1 c almond milk, or other nondairy milk
  4. 1 serving protein powder
  5. Optional: 1 tsp vanilla extract
  6. Optional: Chocolate Chips, fruit, nuts, etc.

Place the oats in a blender and grind until a flour consistency has been created.  (You can also buy oat flour in the store but this is just easier and less of a cost.)

Place the banana, protein powder, vanilla extract, and 1/2 of the almond milk in the blender and give it a good whirl.  Add more almond milk if the batter isn’t easy pourable, it should not be a liquid texture though.  If using chocolate chips, fruit, nuts, etc, please stir these items in after you have blended the batter.

Pour small amounts on to the griddle, or pan, and make these delicious pancakes as normal.  These flip very easily so do not be afraid to make large pancakes too, no worries.  Enjoy!

What I ate during vegan twin pregnancy

If you make these pancakes, please leave me a message in the comments section and link me to your photos on social media.  I love to see when all of you Genki Friends make my recipes.  Thanks.