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myweekendTwo day weekends are just not sufficient for us, we prefer those plentiful three days weekends to be entertained.  There was a lot of cleaning and discussing July 4th celebrations- nothing that anyone (even me) would be of interest.  In fact, we didn’t even manage to make it to the farmers’ market since we’re cleaning out our fridge.  We just bought a few things to take on our trip and to make a few extra things before leaving.  It’s truly amazing how much produce accumulates.  At least it’s the perfect time to make BBQ hippie bowls full of fresh veggies and some steamed quinoa.

Rather than tell you our boring weekend details this week, I figured I’d bore you with our week details of workouts.  It was a simple week full of simple things but I’m snoopy so hopefully some of you find it interesting or, dare I say, inspiring.

Monday: 3 mi treadmill run in 29 mins; 1 ½ hrs weight lifting in gym
Tuesday: 3. 34 mi Interval Training Run in 98F 38 mins
Wednesday: Rest Day (Rain)
Thursday: 1.25 mi pup walk; 4 mi treadmill run in 45 mins
Friday: 1 ½ hrs Weight lifting in gym
Saturday: 8.11 mile run + cleaning the household; & pool play
Sunday: 1 ½ hrs Weight lifting in gym

Exciting right?  A few days we regrettable run on the treadmill inside since it rained just about every day.  There were also a bit more things that we did but I didn’t write everything down (lazy lady week).  A few sessions of Bikini Babe workouts and yoga were done.  Additionally, on weight lifting days we also engaged in situps and pushups just to be well rounded.

How was your workout week?  Did you incorporate something new into your routine?